If you worry that your account-based marketing investment is not generating the ROI you expected then you are not alone. To shed light on why many organizations have not built the enterprise-class ABM program they envisioned The Drum has joined forces with MRP to discuss the most common pitfalls that organizations fall into. They include insufficient data management, over-reliance on vanity measurements, and a failure to execute customer insights fast enough. This online event will also delve into the best practice, fresh thinking and advanced technology currently being deployed by leading brands to build ROI and stay ahead of their competitors
Join managing director of events, Lynn Lester & special guests as she reveals the winners of The Drum Awards for Digital Advertising APAC 2020.
read moreAs consumer consumption of media fragments across screens; mobile, desktop, and TV, so too does the need for trusted tech that ensures campaigns reach real, relevant people. This... read more
Join Postclick, The Drum and industry experts for a panel that will fuse real cases of success with personalization, helping the industry understand what is achievable today, while... read more
Businesses and agencies alike have been pivoting into e-commerce—because they had to. Now that we have adapted, what’s next? Where are new revenue streams? What hard-knocks lessons... read more
If you Google ‘digital transformation’, you’ll get 439 million results. That’s a lot of transforming. And most of it is still a work in progress. Yet, there’s one significant... read more
Join Managing Director of Events, Lynn Lester as she reveals the winners of The Drum Awards for Digital Industries 2020.
read moreConnected TV’s momentum is undeniable. After gaining significant traction in the U.S., CTV is now proliferating throughout Europe—with half of UK households now streaming. Roku’s... read more
Marketers that have been dynamic through the adversities of 2020 are set for success in the future. This discussion will cut through the challenges brands have faced and look into... read more