Tune-in TV: Switching on to the Future of Advanced TV

Event has finished for the day. All content will be on demand from tomorrow.

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Exclusively broadcasting at 10am BST then on-demand thereafter.

"Is your head in a spin about the future of Advanced TV advertising and how to navigate through 2022?"

Join The Drum and Freewheel for a dynamic panel discussion on marketers’ attitudes towards Advanced TV – and what these look like in a world recovering from the blindside of 2020. We’ll be discussing the findings from Freewheel’s new research study, but rather than present yet another boring powerpoint deck of stats, we want to mix things up a bit! That means we’ll be spinning our in-house ‘Wheel of Findings’ to provide guests with discussion jumping off points seemingly at random. Our guests will then bring colour, context and expertise to the linear, digital and Advanced TV discussion points that we land on.

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