Nutricia is a part of the Danone group that specializes in providing specialized nutrition throughout children’s age, one of it is an infant formula for babies & kids

The pandemic calls for extra care for your children and it begins with maintaining a healthy digestive tract because 70% of kid's Immune system lies within the digestive system. InMobi’s chatbot unit has helped young parent to understand kid's digestive system in 3 simple steps and having quick diagnostic from the expert. It was able to engage the young parents in Indonesia while passing on the message, succinctly. We could segment our target audiences, reach, engage, and drive brand awareness, on InMobi’s integrated platform.
The Brand Objective
Being a mother is a beautiful experience but often fraught with many questions about the child’s health especially on kid's digestion. Children aged between 1-3 years need a fiber intake of at least 16 grams per day. The average daily fiber consumption of Indonesian children is only 4.7 grams per day resulting in 9 out of 10 kids in Indonesia lacking fiber, thus the child's digestion problem remains the most common issue for mothers. Bebelac aimed to reach and engage mothers on the mobile to educate them on the easiest and wholesome process of fulfilling the child’s nutrition through Bebelac Gold growing up milk products.
The Solution
InMobi targeted working mothers, health enthusiasts, and young parents aged between 25 to 35 years in Indonesia on mobile. The interactive mobile campaign aimed to increase awareness of the children’s digestive health and put parents in touch with childcare experts through a chatbot ad unit.
A Journey that Delivered Record Engagement
Bebelac provided interactive sessions for mothers to interact with childcare experts to understand the nutritional requirements of children below 1 year and over 1 year of age under the campaign “Bebeclub”. To connect parents with the right information on their child’s health, InMobi created the awareness campaign in two stages:
Teaser Phase: A glance at what’s coming up was shown to the target audiences to drive interest and curiosity to know more about their child’s health, for 10 days between the 19th to 29th February 2020.
Launch Phase: The actual campaign ran for a month from 28th April to 26th May with different engagement experiences for parents with children below and above 1 year of age.
Delivering a Contextual Experience with the Chatbot Ad Unit
For parents with kids over 1 year of age, the campaign launched an interactive chatbot ad unit driving the user interest to know about their child’s gastrointestinal health.
Time Targeting to Drive Maximum Engagement
InMobi identified the best performing days of the week to ensure that the ad unit witnessed a higher engagement. More than one-fourth of the campaign was observed to be delivered during the weekend, with Sunday having the highest engagement rate. Sessions delivered on the weekend accounted for one-third of the total sessions. This initiative amplified the engagement with the core target audience.
The Engagement Journey
The campaign addressed the issue of meeting the daily fiber needs for a healthy gastrointestinal tract by having viewers fill in the child’s age, followed by answering relevant questions and culminating with dietary recommendations by Bebelac.
The Results
Bebelac Gold reached and engaged Indonesian mothers to educate them on the easiest and wholesome process of fulfilling the child’s nutrition i.e., through their products. By using a chatbot, parents could understand the current state of their child's digestive health and gather advice on how to add nutritional value to the child’s food. With this campaign, the brand has successfully brought together existing leads closer to the brand and helped Indonesian parents entrust the health of their baby's stomach with Bebelac gold.
For the case study video, you can see from this link