Dirty Bird designer claims phallic logo is ‘unintentional’ following complaints
Dirty Bird, a festival and events food van, has claimed that the phallic look of its logo is an accident, and is just a d and b beside each other.
Neil Young, owner of the company, claimed: “We’ve never really thought about it like that. Our designer created a d and b for “dirty bird” then pushed them together to make a cockerel”.

However, the company is certainly making the most of the logo, as the below ads show.
Mark James, designer of the logo, said: “We were given the name Dirty Bird as the brief, and started working on ideas. We looked at the initials, DB. Then worked with the lowercase ‘db’ linking them to form the shape of a rooster. It’s graphic representation of a rooster incorporating the initials. It depends on how you look at it.
“I’m not sure there have been any complaints. A few comments but it’s in the eye of the beholder, as they say.”

This isn't the only logo that has faced suspicion for looking phallic: Airbnb's new logo also received abuse.