Festive campaigns pressure: a how-to-guide for marketers on better collaboration
The lead up to Christmas can be tough for marketers. Not only do they face the challenge of creating a great campaign – they have the added pressure of waiting for multiple departments to get marketing materials signed off quickly.

A festive campaign with all the trimmings: a how-to guide on collaborative creativity
This problem stretches beyond the festive season; hindering their ability to do their job effectively. A study by digital asset management platform Bynder revealed that 75% of marketers feel restricted in how they share assets internally and externally. In addition, only 38% feel confident in making their assets assessible to anyone within the organisation.
With Christmas looming marketers will need to be able to collaborate effectively with multiple creatives and agencies to reach their targets.
It is why Bynder has teamed up with Age UK to tackle this subject in a webinar, to reveal how marketers can deliver consistent results in time for the festive season.
Hosted by The Drum, the webinar, A festive campaign with all the trimmings: a how-to guide on collaborative creativity, taking place on 14 December, will explore how marketers can use a digital asset management platform to avoid being tied up in lengthy approval processes and the stress leading up to Christmas.
In the webinar, marketers will learn all the tricks to overcoming common roadblocks associated with implementing Christmas campaigns plus all the extra trimmings they will need to have a successful Christmas.
Watch this and other free webinars in partnership with industry experts here.
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Bynder takes you far beyond managing digital assets; enabling teams to conquer the chaos of proliferating content, touchpoints, and relationships in order to thrive.