Most audio ads come courtesy of national brands as opposed to local ones because the latter lacks the sort of capital that used to be required to advertise on a national level

The situation
Gary Brazzell is a leading healthcare marketing professional in Galax, Virginia, where he’s helped healthcare providers implement sound, strategic and profitable marketing strategies since 1989. His services in marketing and advertising have led to multiple double and even triple referrals from doctors within a matter of months. His referral-based marketing strategy mostly worked for home health agencies, physical therapy practices and hospice agencies meeting certain conditions. But after so many years, Gary wanted to make a drastic change and see if he could significantly increase his profit margins.
But, in order to do so, Gary would have to push beyond the boundaries, going from running Google and Facebook ads into something a little more suited to the changing landscape of capturing consumers' attention in a highly saturated market.
With the desire to do more and achieve more, Gary asked AudioGO for help.
"AudioGO ads are like running TV ads for the buzz factor. Audience members text the business owners and exclaim, ‘I heard you on Pandora!’ The only other medium where I have experienced that sort of buzz was TV."
The solution
When it comes to audio advertisements, Pandora is one of the most powerful platforms to have your ads heard far and wide. The only problem is that Pandora required a minimum buy of $5,000, which may seem like a small price for more prominent national brands, but it could discourage smaller local brands. With AudioGO, local brands can place Pandora ads with a minimum buy of only $260. SMBs can also get a much larger bang for their buck with AudioGO's behavioral targeting feature which allows them to reach their precise audience.
The latter was a tool Brazzell Marketing Agency’s clients benefited from along with other features such as:
- location targeting, with which he was able to advise his client on how to direct their message to specific zip codes in areas the client serviced.
- Tracking URL builder to make the burden of performance measuring and ad traffic analysis much easier.
The impact
Gary's use of AudioGO's ad services had a significant impact in just a short period of time. Within the first month of switching from Google and Facebook ads to AudioGO's ad, audience targeting and tracking services, Gary was able to increase his client’s gross revenue by 30%.
"AudioGO's precise targeting by age, income, and location minimizes the wasted ad dollars and maximizes ROI. Targeting can further be refined by audience characteristics such as pet owners, business owners, etc. In some ways, for my clients, the targeting is superior to Facebook."
By using AudioGO’s voice and commercial production talent, Gary generated ads that had national ad quality (89%) which allowed for a broader yet effective reach and were well received by most clients (11%) on a micro level within their respective target area.
By combining the massive audiences of Pandora, iHeart Radio, TuneIn, and other streaming audio services, AudioGO delivered a colossally combined audience reach. A win-win for Gary.
Furthermore, Gary’s highly specialized, local-area clients could now find tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of narrowly defined, high-value target audience members with the services AudioGO provided.
The takeaway
There are some benefits to having one's ads on television, Facebook, and Google. However, Gary's ads were placed more cost-effectively and with targeted intention. By choosing high-quality ad development services, he chose to work smarter rather than harder, and as a result, he received a higher ROI with respect to the growth of gross revenue.
In short, effective income and behavioral targeting—as opposed to imprecise income targeting by zip code offered through Facebook, or income targeting in Google that actually reduced campaign effectiveness and threw off the algorithms—allowed him to increase his marketing quickly.
And to top it all off, Gary was met with no resistance on the nature of his ads and its contents as most marketers do when publishing ads via Google or Facebook. Sometimes publishing ads in Google and Facebook is like publishing videos on TikTok, as you never know whether you’re going to violate so-called “community guidelines.”
Now as any inquisitive marketer such as Gary knows, properly targeted ads using the right tools lead to impressive results. “Higher impact ads with the warmth of human voice and music give ads the positive emotional value.”