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Member Exclusive

Coty on moving fast on innovation

As SVP of digital transformation, Chris Chesebro is no stranger to innovation. In this session, he will discuss what innovation means to Coty and how its strategy is evolving. <... read more


Chris Chesebro

SVP ecommerce & digital transformation, Coty


Rebecca Stewart

trends editor, The Drum
Member Exclusive

Universal Production Music: how tech is changing how advertisers discover music

With demand for content higher than ever, Universal Production Music is developing technological advancements to make it easier for advertisers to find the track they need. Voice... read more


John McCarthy

online senior reporter, The Drum
Member Exclusive

Singtel on 5G and the future of connection

5G technology has been on the horizon for some time now but what will that mean for consumers, and therefore marketers, when it hits the mainstream? In this session, Siok Hoon Gan,... read more


Gan Siok Hoon

managing director, Singtel


Shawn Lim

reporter, Asia Pacific, The Drum