
Day 1 Nov 2nd
Day 2 Nov 3rd

The Drum Show

The Drum Show is a talk show that will kick off the start of the summit live (Day 1 & 2) at 1:30PM GMT (broadcast on The Drum TV). This is a chance for you to join The Drum’s editor-in-chief Gordon Young and a panel of expert guests to discuss the day's schedule and the most pressing media news in the industry from our studio in London, Shoreditch.

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John McCarthy

media editor, The Drum

Gordon Young

co-founder, The Drum

Faye White

freelancer, (Online Media Award Winner)

Cameron Clarke

editor, The Drum
Data & Privacy

After the cookies have crumbled

Join Chris Sutcliffe as he chats with his guests about December 2024. The final cookie has been phased out. Has the entire digital advertising ecosystem crumbled as part of the cookiepocolypse or has it emerged bright and shining into a new privacy-first world? The biggest players across the digital ecosystem step into the future to give us a glimpse of what this new world looks like – and their journey to help marketers navigate there.

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Jamie Barnard

chief executive officer, Compliant™

Chris Sutcliffe

senior reporter, The Drum

Andreas Sierts

VP identity and platform products, Adform

Ben Fenster

co-founder and CPO,
Media Innovation

Cameron Converses - With Amit Wadhwa

Join our editor Cameron Clarke as he sits down with Amit Wadhwa, Chief Executive Officer at Dentsu, India. After winning Agency of the Year at this year's Cannes Lions, Cameron wants to get to the bottom of what makes them do good and what the future holds for advertising in the APAC region.

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Cameron Clarke

editor, The Drum

Amit Wadha

chief executive officer, Dentsu Creative Group
Data & Privacy

Loyalty 3.0 - Rewarding customers for their data

Join Hannah Bowler as she chats with her guests about Loyalty 3.0. As the story goes, in 1793 a merchant in New Hampshire began the first ever loyalty program by rewarding repeat customers with copper tokens. The tokens could be used towards future purchase. Modern day frequent flier and credit card programs would follow. Now the loyalty scheme has gone to a whole other level as brands are clamouring to gather as much first party data as possible. While the death date for third party cookies keeps moving, brands know they need to act now and leveraging loyalty is the tactic du jour.

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Hannah Bowler

journalist, The Drum

Alycia Mason

chief US customer experience officer, McDonald's

James Calvert

chief data strategy officer, M&C Saatchi London

James Parker

chief solutions officer for data & planning, Jellyfish

The 2 Hearts Pizzeria

Spurred on by wanting to help bring family and friends closer together during the pandemic restrictions, brand experience agency Audience launched a world-first hologram experience connecting diners in both London and Edinburgh with Virgin Media's ‘Two Hearts Pizzeria’ campaign.
The Drum caught up with two of the driving forces behind this project, who took us through the ins and outs of Two Hearts Pizzeria, from inception to execution.

(Originally broadcast on 30 June 2022)

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Katie Kinchin-Smith

head of campaigns, Virgin Media

Alexander Bright

managing director, Audience

Marketing in the multisensory world

Join Kenneth Hein as he speaks to Raja Rajamannar, Chief Marketing Officer of Mastercard (US), about exploring how the world of marketing is embracing more sensory and experiential approaches. And looks at what all marketers can learn from this broader approach.

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Raja Rajamannar

chief marketing officer, Mastercard (US)
Future of TV

The future of TV with Finecast

Join John McCarthy as he chats to his guests about How TV will evolve. There’s a whole host of issues facing the CTV advertising ecosystem that will determine how effective and useful it will be to brands in the coming years. It’s had an easy ride so far. The panel discusses issues ahead for automated content recognition, IP addresses, platform fragmentation, user IDs and measurement.

Show description In partnership with Finecast

John McCarthy

media editor, The Drum

Aatika Ansari

head of media-digital, Pernod Ricard India

David Dworin

vice president of product managment, FreeWheel

Melissa Blaha

head of product, data and analytics, Finecast
Future of TV

AdFab - The advertiser funded content show

Join Cameron Clarke as he chats to his guests about what the current opportunities in branded content for advertisers are, how the space has evolved and what trends are emerging. Speakers can talk through the editorial and regulatory process and drill down a bit into why some of these shows haven’t broken through to the mainstream (a lot of branded shows are digital and not primetime shows).

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Cameron Clarke

editor, The Drum

Carsten Meijer

SVP for commercial, VICE Media Group

Eve Williams

chief marketing officer, UK, eBay
Future of TV


Join Gordon Young as he chats to his guests about finally hitting peak Netflix and how subscribers are destined to shrink in the short term. Meanwhile, the brand is exploring how to implement advertising. The Drum assembles some wizened figures to explore how the top streamer should adopt ads.

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Gordon Young

co-founder, The Drum

Samantha Glynne

executive, UTA entertainment and culture marketing, UTA

Jon Manning

client investment director, Starcom
Data & Privacy

Privacy, by design: invest now for future success

Join Jenni Baker as she chats to her guests about a new future of advertising, one that puts privacy front and center. The privacy investments brands and agencies make today are essential for success tomorrow and in the future. But is your business privacy-ready? What steps do you need to take today to maintain customer confidence and your competitive edge? In this session, we hear how leading brands have acted to prioritize privacy-first approaches within their business and explore why now is the time to give customers what they want and need.

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Jenni Baker

assistant editor, The Drum

Claire Norburn

UK & Ireland ads privacy lead, Google

Doug Hall

VP of data services and technology EMEA, Media.Monks

The Drum Show

The Drum Show is a talk show that will kick off the start of the summit live (Day 1 & 2) at 1:30PM GMT (broadcast on The Drum TV). This is a chance for you to join The Drum’s editor-in-chief Gordon Young and a panel of expert guests to discuss the day's schedule and the most pressing media news in the industry from our studio in London, Shoreditch.

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Gordon Young

co-founder, The Drum

Helen Warner

head of television, GB News

The dollar dash

Join Chris Sutcliffe as he chats to his guests about how to invest your budget in gaming advertising. Where are you placing those dollars – the metaverse? Mobile apps? In-game? E-sports? Gaming has historically been an ad-free zone – but that’s changing with investment and infrastructure integrating with the most popular titles. In this gamified session, our contestants have a set budget to spend – but how are they splitting it; which environments are they choosing to spend them; and why? We’ll dive into each to spotlight the current and future potential to determine which gaming media investments give brands the most bang for their buck.

Show description In partnership with Digital Turbine

Chris Sutcliffe

senior reporter, The Drum

Natalie Cooke

group managing director, M&C Saatchi

Sarah Leccacorvi

head of content & creative, Havas Entertainment

Mark Slade

managing director, Digital Turbine
Measurement Matters

Strictly data

Join Hannah Bowler as she chats to her guests about an increasingly fragmented digital ecosystem. Connecting the dots across different channels is more challenging than ever and at the same time, longstanding approaches are facing increasing scrutiny. How can brand marketers gain a holistic view of their omnichannel campaigns in all regions to truly understand everything from production ROI to diversity and accessibility of their creative assets? How are today’s leading marketers and publishers working toward developing apples-to-apples, cross-platform measurement frameworks built for a privacy-obsessed, rapidly-evolving world?

Show description In partnership with Extreme Reach

Hayley Cochrane

VP digital, NBC+Sky

Mike Shaw

head of ad sales, Roku

Cecile Nathan-Tilloy

global head of client strategy, Edelman Data & Intelligence

Andy Hopkinson

strategic director, Extreme Reach

Hannah Bowler

journalist, The Drum

The media quiz show

Join The Drum and Waze as we take you on a spin in this interactive quiz that puts our panelists in the driving seat to test their knowledge on the behaviors, influences and purchase decisions of UK drivers. There’ll be plenty of surprises in store and points mean prizes; your prize being everything you need to know to make creative marketing decisions that travel further.
(Originally broadcasted on 30th June 2022)

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Ruairidh Roberts

country manager, UK, Waze

Graeme Douglas

co-founder/CSO, Bicycle

Mel Henson

head of creative, Optimizon

Soco Nunez de Cela

brand & communications director, Burger King
Future of TV

The Ken Hein Show

Hyundai has had some big successes this year. The company just reported strong sales based on new vehicle launches and refreshes of some of their iconic models. One of the aspect that ignited these sales, and the marketing campaigns behind them, is effective media spending. Not so long ago buy media for auto companies was pretty rote. You know those TV ads of cars winding down scenic roads. These days, well, not so much. With millennials commanding more spending power and Gen Z not far behind, the mix has changed. Plus, there was that pandemic thing. CTV is all over the place. You name it. However, you slice it media buying is different.

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Angela Zepeda

chief marketing officer, Hyundai

Ken Hein

US editor, The Drum

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